Saturday, 20 October 2012

A Seperate Reality...Alex Andreyev

Artist Alex Andreyev works and lives in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. His incredibly surreal paintings of floating people and objects are digitally painted using Photoshop and Corel...

 Trying to categorize or summarize the genre of the digital paintings is nearly impossible. Part science fiction, part dystopian future, most impressive thing in the scenes is that they are equally disturbing and beautiful, his characters inhabiting a world tells us that he is is deeply influenced by Soviet-era literature, music and movies.  Andreyev recently published an art book, A Separate Reality....

When i looked at these digital paintings the most closest works i could ralte to was The Dali's paintings
Have a look!!!

These surreal paintings came to my mind when i looked at the work of Alex and also the most interesting think is that, when Dali made his paintings and now even alex has made his painting they almost hint over the same issue and the paint they are making is close to each other....

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Splash photogarphy takes a right turn...

I love slash photography, but this is the first time I’ve seen an artist using this technique to create unique flowers, some with their own liquid flower pots. The patient man behind this amazing art is Jack Long, a talented photographer who spends months planning and experimenting to create these stunning pieces.
Armed with patience, a high-speed camera probably a Canon 7D with a sharp lens or so and lots of paint, Jack Long set out to create a series of beautiful images called ‘Vessels and Blooms’ in which he tried to create liquid flowers out of colored paint droplets captured in mid-air. The skilled photographer had spent several months planning and testing different techniques in order to achieve the best results possible.
The clever artist uses water mixed with dyes, pigments and thickeners and as this cocktail is suspended in the air for just a split second, he takes high-speed photos hoping to capture the right moment. Jack won’t reveal the exact technique used to create his paint flowers...
You’re probably looking at these gorgeous liquid flowers and thinking wowwwwwwwwww, these are so Photoshopped or so and I don’t blame you, because this is how we exactly read images...we only see what we know..... but Jack Long says he uses the popular software just to clean up his photos and enhance them with basic tools. ’All of my images are created in one single capture. One picture. I do not make composites from multiple images, unless otherwise noted. All of my fluid flowers are as captured,” says the American photographer. He adds that the thing he likes most about his art is that it’s different from other splash photography.

want to know more about him....
Google him...lots and lots of experimental images is how he works!!

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Christopher Boffoli's Mini people Giant Food

When i was a child, and i used play with my toy cars i used to imagine what if i could become so small that i could sit in my little toy cars and travel through my garden, what if be the glass down my foot become like trees upon me and used to imagine the ants be like of my size...
I came across the same experience the other day we were sitting in the class and we saw the video of some artist(that i can't recall) which was playing around the camera an if it was an Rc aeroplane...That video almost remind me of the time i use to play the same way... I came  across an artist that creates these remarkable little miniature sculptures of human in abnormal environments...

The miniature people inhabiting the fine art photographs show humans live in a world of enormous food. A place where towering ice cream cones are turned into camping tents, cycling on the bananas appear to be cycling on a hill and deep sea diver love to dive in a cup of tea.

Christopher Boffoli is a photographer, writer, artist and filmmaker.  Largely self-taught, he took up photography as a hobby in his teens, honing his skills as a student journalist in high school and college.  While still an undergraduate he started his own commercial photography...

Boffoli says his work comments not only on our fascination with miniature things, but on “the American enthusiasm for excess, especially in the realm of food.”

More fact coming your way 

  • This year Americans will spend over $110 billion on fast food more than they'll spend on movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos, and recorded music combined.

  • Every day about one quarter of the U.S. population eats fast food.

  • Roughly 12% of all American workers have worked at McDonald's
  • American children now get about one quarter of their total vegetable servings in the form of potato chips and French fries.

  • The typical teenage boy in the United States now gets about 10% of his daily calories from soda.
  • A fast food soda that sells for $1.29 costs the restaurant about ten cents, a markup of more than 1200 percent.

  • McDonald's is now the nation's largest purchaser of beef, pork, and potatoes. It is the second-largest purchaser of chicken in the U.S, 
After looking at these facts these sculptures means more to me then just playing around with and idea of just living in your childhood But now these mini creatures silently sarcastically comment on humans being obsessive with food and junk culture.
Reference to the facts regarding American junk food culture

Mechenical Flip Books of Mark Rosen and Wendy Marvel

Eadweard Muybridge was an English photographer important for his pioneering work in photographic studies of motion and in motion picture-projection projection. Muybridge is known for his pioneering work on animal locomotion in 1877 and 1878, which used multiple cameras to capture motion in stop-action photographs, and a device for projecting motion pictures that per-dated the flexible perforated film strip used in cinematography.

One of his most famous works is this, now u get whom im talking about...

Now in 2011 kinetic artists Mark Rosen and Wendy Marvel created mechanical flip books based on the works of Muybridge...These flip books are one of their kind flip books i had even seen, they up in the gallery and they perform for less than a minute of so, and then they are on loop...

I found these work really appealing in two ways 

1. They are a tribute to the artist Muybridge, for the exceptional part he  had played in upbringing the photography art to the world.

2.The artists has used an interesting solution to the flip books and an interesting way to present old works in new style.
Moreover the artists Marveland and Arnon explain:
Instead of a crank on the side, there’s a tiny motor that rotates the spindle and flexible cards flip by giving the illusion of moving pictures. Then we connect several boxes together and coax the flipping images to tell a little story in a scene that travels from box to box.

Check out these links for the videos on Vimeo

Check out their website as well if u want to order your custom made flip book ;)