Saturday, 13 October 2012

Splash photogarphy takes a right turn...

I love slash photography, but this is the first time I’ve seen an artist using this technique to create unique flowers, some with their own liquid flower pots. The patient man behind this amazing art is Jack Long, a talented photographer who spends months planning and experimenting to create these stunning pieces.
Armed with patience, a high-speed camera probably a Canon 7D with a sharp lens or so and lots of paint, Jack Long set out to create a series of beautiful images called ‘Vessels and Blooms’ in which he tried to create liquid flowers out of colored paint droplets captured in mid-air. The skilled photographer had spent several months planning and testing different techniques in order to achieve the best results possible.
The clever artist uses water mixed with dyes, pigments and thickeners and as this cocktail is suspended in the air for just a split second, he takes high-speed photos hoping to capture the right moment. Jack won’t reveal the exact technique used to create his paint flowers...
You’re probably looking at these gorgeous liquid flowers and thinking wowwwwwwwwww, these are so Photoshopped or so and I don’t blame you, because this is how we exactly read images...we only see what we know..... but Jack Long says he uses the popular software just to clean up his photos and enhance them with basic tools. ’All of my images are created in one single capture. One picture. I do not make composites from multiple images, unless otherwise noted. All of my fluid flowers are as captured,” says the American photographer. He adds that the thing he likes most about his art is that it’s different from other splash photography.

want to know more about him....
Google him...lots and lots of experimental images is how he works!!

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